Definition of Axiom... Trustworthy... Honest... Source...
Definition of Axiom... Trustworthy... Honest... Source...
AxiomTrace employs several staff investigators who have many years of experience in various types of Domestic cases. Senior/Disabled Persons care, Spousal Infidelity, Child Custody and Probate investigations often generate a heightened level of emotional stress as well as often a lack to see clearly. Allow our Investigative Professionals to be your unbiased, level-headed source of what is really going on... We will gather only the facts surrounding the events we have been retained for and will not engage in spin or fantasy. We realize that often these matters result in mapping out the future for our clients and therefore we will only provide truthful, relevant data to assist you in making perhaps one of the most important decisions of your life.
Senior Citizen and Disabled Persons Abuse:
When you entrust your senior loved ones or family members whose capacity to care for themselves and their affairs to others, it can be very humbling and often cause feelings of uncertainty and fear, even if no abuse has occurred... but often... it does... There are fraudsters who specifically prey upon the elderly and incapacitated often bilking them out of their life's savings, property, pension funds, government assistance money, family heirlooms and most of all their dignity. These actions pale in comparison to the potential of your loved one being physically abused which is often done in conjunction to financial theft. Let our trained Investigative Professionals determine the means by which your loved ones assets were stolen, where they are, how the fraud was predicated and where the perpetrators are now. We will then work with you to provide education on your options and assist you in making the best move toward recovery of your property... and most importantly regaining your loved ones dignity...
The following is a sample list of services provided to assist in these types of investigative matters.
Spousal Infidelity, Child Custody, Child Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse, Substance Abuse Investigations:
The following is a sample list of services provided to assist in these types of investigative matters.
Probate Investigations:
The following is a sample list of services provided to assist in these types of investigative matters.
All research results in this genre can be documented as a Statement of Facts for the purpose of providing to Law Enforcement authorities if required.
Domestic investigations often require creativity, ingenuity but most of all sensitivity. Allow us to assist you in these matters with the confidence that you will soon have the truth... and can therefore, go on with your life...
Often to get to the heart of the matter you have to have... heart...